نقش اهل‌بیت(ع) در بنیان‌گذاری «علم صحیح» از منظر احادیث فریقین



در اواخر قرن اول به تدریج جامعه اسلامی با رشد جریانات علمی مواجه شد. در این زمان، بلاد مختلف تحت تأثیر میراث اصحاب و تأثرات فرهنگی از ملل مختلفی که در اثر فتوحات با مسلمانان در آمیخته بودند (مانند ایران و روم و مصر و یونان) سفره‌های علمی متنوعی را در جامعه گستردند. در این میان امامان اهل‌بیت توانستند نظر بخشی از جامعه را به سوی خود جلب کنند؛ به طوری که ایشان امامان را تنها حامل علم صحیح نبوی می‌دانستند و مرجع اصلی و منحصر علم را این خاندان می‌شناختند. پرسش این نوشتار این است که چگونه این رویش فکری در شیعیان حاصل شد، به ویژه اینکه فضای سیاسی و فرهنگی جامعه و دستگاه حاکم نسبت به امامان اهل بیت کاملا متمایز و بعضاً در تعارض و تزاحم بوده است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Concept of “Correct Knowledge” as Propounded by the Ahl al-Bayt (a) for the Evaluation of Sunni and Shia Hadith

نویسنده [English]

  • Seyyed Abd al-Hamid Abtahi
چکیده [English]

Towards the end of the first century [of the Hijra], the Muslim community was gradually faced with the maturing of various schools of thought. At this time, as different lands came under the domain of Islam, the cultural influences of other nations that had been conquered by the Muslims became amalgamated (such as the Iranian, Roman, Egyptian and Greek nations). As such, various trends of thought and types of knowledge entered the Muslim community. At this time, the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) were able to attract a following from some in the community who realized that it was only the Imams (a) who were the bearers of correct knowledge from the Prophet and hence considered them the primary source of emulation. They deemed the Ahl al-Bayt (a) to be the only ones who possessed this knowledge. The question that this paper addresses is how this thought took root among the Shīʿas, especially when the political and cultural climate was such that the government was completely detached from the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and at times was even at odds with them.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ahl al-Bayt (a)
  • hadith
  • Shīʿa
  • Sunnī
  • correct knowledge
  • hadith criticism